Boost E-Wallet

Platform: Website (Web & Mobile Interface)

Platform: Website (Web & Mobile Interface)

About: Redesigning a leading digital payment platform's consumer and merchant website, serving over 9 million users

About: Redesigning a leading digital payment platform's consumer and merchant website, serving over 9 million users

Project Timeline

Project Timeline

3 weeks






Fintech, digital payment



9.6 million (2021)

Merchant Touchpoint

438k (2021)


Redesign the Boost E-wallet website to streamline information and navigation, ensuring users quickly access relevant content. This aims to enhance user experience, promote key features, and drive conversions, balancing user needs and business goals. The objective is to increase website traffic, extend browsing sessions, and improve user satisfaction.


After the website revamp, Boost E-wallet saw a significant rise in website traffic, along with increased user engagement and a lower bounce rate. The streamlined navigation and decluttered interface improved the user experience, resulting in higher satisfaction ratings.

Users new to Boost: Able to identify what Boost product is about and where to use it more easily.

Frequent Boost user: Able to find desired information (campaign T&C and happenings e.g. promotions, news) about Boost more easily.

Current Website

Outdated Design: The website's visual elements, including graphics, typography, and overall design aesthetics, appear outdated and fail to reflect Boost's contemporary brand image.

Result: This can result in users perceiving the website as less trustworthy or relevant compared to competitors with more modern designs.

Irrelevant Content to Users: The website's lack of relevancy fails to address users' current needs, preferences, and interests.

Result: This disconnect between the content provided and users' expectations can diminish the overall user experience and result in decreased engagement and conversions.

Content Overload: The website is burdened with an abundance of marketing information and compliance-related details.

Result: This becomes challenging for users to locate relevant information quickly and efficiently, detracting from their overall experience.

For optimal viewing experience, please watch this video on your desktop.

Research & User Survey

Goal: To understand what users look for on the Boost website.
Research Methodology: Qualitative survey
Tool Used: Google Form

I conducted a qualitative survey with 9 users, considering a diverse audience ranging in age, race, and level of familiarity with the Boost app. The qualitative survey allowed me to gather insights from both active consumers and new users, understanding what they seek from the website look for on the Boost website.


I conducted market research on fintech and digital payment websites to gather insights into industry trends and best practices. I then curated inspiration from various sources and compiled them into a moodboard to visualize design elements, color schemes, and layout ideas for the project. This moodboard serve as a reference point to inform and inspire the design direction for the website revamp.

I conducted market research on fintech and digital payment websites to gather insights into industry trends and best practices. I then curated inspiration from various sources and compiled them into a moodboard to visualize design elements, color schemes, and layout ideas for the project. This moodboard serve as a reference point to inform and inspire the design direction for the website revamp.

I conducted market research on fintech and digital payment websites to gather insights into industry trends and best practices. I then curated inspiration from various sources and compiled them into a moodboard to visualize design elements, color schemes, and layout ideas for the project. This moodboard serve as a reference point to inform and inspire the design direction for the website revamp.

Sitemapping & Wireframing

After collaborating closely with various teams, including marketing, legal, and compliance, I embarked on crafting a sitemap for the website. This process wasn't just about organizing pages; it was about creating a roadmap that reflected our users' needs and aspirations.

Method: I used the card sorting method, a collaborative technique where website content is visualized and organized using sticky notes with my stakeholders. This allowed us to map out the main pages, subpages, and their relationships in a tangible and collaborative manner. Through discussions and iterations, I ensured that the sitemap prioritized user pathways, intuitive navigation, and alignment with business objectives.


I developed a comprehensive file encompassing brand guidelines and design standards, facilitating collaboration between design, marketing, and development teams. This centralized resource includes detailed specifications for style, brand colors, typography, icons, and margin guides for card designs. By consolidating these elements, it ensures consistency across all aspects of the website and streamlines the development process for enhanced efficiency and cohesion.

I developed a comprehensive file encompassing brand guidelines and design standards, facilitating collaboration between design, marketing, and development teams. This centralized resource includes detailed specifications for style, brand colors, typography, icons, and margin guides for card designs. By consolidating these elements, it ensures consistency across all aspects of the website and streamlines the development process for enhanced efficiency and cohesion.

Hi-fi Designs

I worked on all the pages for Boost website for consumer and merchant (not shown in this case study), which includes the Home, About Us, Promotions, Features, Newsroom, Careers, Support and Footer section which includes About, Terms & Conditions, Privacy, Product Disclosure, Download Boost.

User Testing

Goal: To evaluate the usability and user experience of the designs.
Research Methodology: Quantitative surveys
Tool Used: Maze

I conducted a quantitative survey involving 58 users, representing diverse demographics in terms of age, race, and familiarity with the Boost app. Users participated in scenario-based tasks to evaluate the efficiency of the design flow and the accessibility of information.

With Maze, I monitored users' cursor movements and interactions, recording observations and identifying areas for improvement based on their behavior. This feedback guided my design iterations aimed at enhancing the user experience.

Final Design

This is the finalized prototype of the website, now live on Boost's platform following development. *For the best viewing experience, please watch this video on your desktop.


The positive sentiment observed in the image below reflects a successful website redesign, which has had a tangible impact on the business's engagement metrics. Users' favorable responses indicate improved satisfaction with the website's design and functionality, leading to increased interaction and engagement. This outcome underscores the effectiveness of the redesign in meeting user needs and enhancing the overall user experience.


Improved website traffic


Decreased bounce rate


Increase in time spent on website



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Arizona, United States

