
Platform: Mobile App

Platform: Mobile App

About: Enhancing a fairly new feature to increase engagement and conversion rate for a leading animation platform with over 5 million app users

About: Enhancing a fairly new feature to increase engagement and conversion rate for a leading animation platform with over 5 million app users

Project Timeline

Project Timeline

1 month






Animation, creative



5.2 million




Motion Canvas is a feature within the LottieFiles app that enables user to use open-sourced animations to use pre-made templates or create content of their own and share it to their preferred social media platforms.

Context: In the initial phase, all motion canvas templates are presented in a scroll list for users to browse. However, this approach has posed challenges in discovery and has made the landing screen overwhelming.

Objective: To redesign the motion canvas experience and repurpose the app to foster creativity and encourage users to share their creations on online platforms.




As a result of enhancing the feature, the landing screen of the mobile platform has been repurposed and restructured. Consequently, app registrations increased by 23.1%, exports surged by 10.9%, and there was an 8% increase in business revenue.

What is Motion Canvas?

Before starting, here is a video featuring the LottieFiles mobile app. The designs here are older and this project will be looking into enhancing some parts of the app, specifically, the motion canvas, which is shown in this video at 0:05-0:17.

Current Designs

Current Designs

Current Designs

Home screen: The landing screen of the mobile app appears less exciting, and hierarchy is absent. Upon landing on this screen, users are unsure how to get started.

Templates: The discovery of pre-made templates is not as user-friendly, and the browsing experience is pretty restricted.

Motion Canvas: There are limited features available within this canvas. Users need more customisations to make their designs personalised.

Share drawer: The share drawer is currently wordy, lacks hierarchy and does not facilitate sharing to social media.

Discovery & Market Research

Discovery & Market Research

Discovery & Market Research

Goal: To identify top templates favoured by users and prioritise different categories of templates within the LottieFiles app.


  • Analyse, categorise templates from similar platforms and note distinctive features.

  • Determine most used templates considering their placements in the app.

  • Assess user journeys from browsing to sharing/ exporting selected templates.

  • Document post/template creation flows (optional).

Impact: To establish a template roadmap for the mobile team based on research findings.

Ideation & Brainstorming

Ideation & Brainstorming

Ideation & Brainstorming

Digging into data: Prior to organising a brainstorming workshop, I delved into the current performance of Motion Canvas to address key questions to guide myself and my team through brainstorming. Questions I considered during data analysis included:

  • Who are our target users, what are their goals and aspirations?

  • What templates are performing well within the LottieFiles app?

  • Are users primarily exporting public (open-sourced) animations or their own creations?

  • What is our objective as Product Designers and Product Managers in assisting users?

Workshop: I led a session with key stakeholders, including the Product Manager, Product Designer, and Head of Product Design. With the insights I gathered, we reviewed past Motion Canvas feedback, analysed data insights, and identified user groups and their specific needs.

Learnings from survey and data:

  • Evergreen templates give the highest engagements based on created designs and exports/ shares.

  • Content creators prioritise prompt actions.

  • Marketers focus on a variety of choices.




Rough sketches and low-fidelity wireframing are utilised primarily for ideating the layout and placement of contents, as well as organising current and new features for the app.

Main Challenges

Main Challenges

Main Challenges

Challenge 1 : With the new app goals, to reorganise and repurpose the landing screen of the LottieFiles app.


  • Prioritising what worked well for users based on data collected, we deprioritised and reprioritised certain features in the navigation bar, showing clearer app direction and unique selling points.

  • The home screen now is focused on quick actions on creation and decluttered for easier discovery and navigation.

Challenge 2: Combining export formats and social media options into the same share/export drawer without overwhelming users.


  • User's primary action/preferred app as a quick action at the top of this drawer.

  • Sharing to social media as the primary action and downloading formats as the secondary action to declutter the drawer.

Final Designs

Final Designs

Final Designs

Onboarding: Showcasing the essential features valued by users in the app, as identified through a user survey involving 10 participants.

Onboarding: Showcasing the essential features valued by users in the app, as identified through a user survey involving 10 participants.

Onboarding: Showcasing the essential features valued by users in the app, as identified through a user survey involving 10 participants.

Main Screens: Following the restructuring and enhancement of Motion Canvas, the LottieFiles app's home page has undergone a significant revamp. New features include an improved search experience, the addition of a 'You might like' section to help users get started, and a redesigned share drawer for quick actions to share content to their preferred social media app (based on their last shared option).

Main Screens: Following the restructuring and enhancement of Motion Canvas, the LottieFiles app's home page has undergone a significant revamp. New features include an improved search experience, the addition of a 'You might like' section to help users get started, and a redesigned share drawer for quick actions to share content to their preferred social media app (based on their last shared option).

Main Screens: Following the restructuring and enhancement of Motion Canvas, the LottieFiles app's home page has undergone a significant revamp. New features include an improved search experience, the addition of a 'You might like' section to help users get started, and a redesigned share drawer for quick actions to share content to their preferred social media app (based on their last shared option).

Tools/ Features: Reorganised animations in the 'Add Animation' drawer and introduced a canvas drawer for swift selection, offering choices for canvas size, background, pre-made templates, and starting with media (images or videos).

Tools/ Features: Reorganised animations in the 'Add Animation' drawer and introduced a canvas drawer for swift selection, offering choices for canvas size, background, pre-made templates, and starting with media (images or videos).

Tools/ Features: Reorganised animations in the 'Add Animation' drawer and introduced a canvas drawer for swift selection, offering choices for canvas size, background, pre-made templates, and starting with media (images or videos).

Data & Metrics

Data & Metrics

Data & Metrics

Deep diving into metrics: After the revamp of the main flow of the LottieFiles app, I initiated a reconvened meeting to delve deeper into our current data analytics and assess their alignment with our goals. The objective was to assess whether these metrics are still aligned with our current goals.

Output: A list of questions was prompted as a kickstarter. I initiated to overlook the data documentation. Every week, I organised a data weekly sharing where I will share the top 5 questions myself and my team has prioritised. The data insights acted as a North Star metrics for us to measure the mobile app's performance.

Deep diving into metrics: After the revamp of the main flow of the LottieFiles app, I initiated a reconvened meeting to delve deeper into our current data analytics and assess their alignment with our goals. The objective was to assess whether these metrics are still aligned with our current goals.

Output: A list of questions was prompted as a kickstarter. I initiated to overlook the data documentation. Every week, I organised a data weekly sharing where I will share the top 5 questions myself and my team has prioritised. The data insights acted as a North Star metrics for us to measure the mobile app's performance.

Deep diving into metrics: After the revamp of the main flow of the LottieFiles app, I initiated a reconvened meeting to delve deeper into our current data analytics and assess their alignment with our goals. The objective was to assess whether these metrics are still aligned with our current goals.

Output: A list of questions was prompted as a kickstarter. I initiated to overlook the data documentation. Every week, I organised a data weekly sharing where I will share the top 5 questions myself and my team has prioritised. The data insights acted as a North Star metrics for us to measure the mobile app's performance.




Overall, this project involved the revamp of the LottieFiles app's home screen, enhancement of explore screen, Motion Canvas user journey (create, add animation, change canvas, share), and an introduction of premium animations (paid). With these new enhancements, an onboarding journey was also introduced into the app for the users upon launching the app. These have contributed to the boost of registered users and number of shares/exports.




Increased app registrations




Increased number of shares/ exports of animations




Increase in business revenue




Increased app registrations


Increased number of shares/ exports of animations


Increase in business revenue

Get in Touch

or email carine.csq@gmail.com

© Copyright 2024 Carine Csq. All rights reserved.

Arizona, United States

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or email carine.csq@gmail.com

© Copyright 2024 Carine Csq. All rights reserved.

Arizona, United States

