Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Studies


Mobile App Landing Page Revamp

Redesigning a leading open-source animation company's mobile app experience for 4.5M users.

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Mobile App Landing Page Revamp

Redesigning a leading open-source animation company's mobile app experience for 4.5M users.

Retention rate



Mobile App Landing Page Revamp

Redesigning a leading open-source animation company's mobile app experience for 4.5M users.

Premium UX Template for Framer

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Boost E-Wallet

FinTech Website Redesign

Leading southeast asia digital payment platform with over 9.6M users and more than 500K merchants worldwide.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Website visit


Boost E-Wallet

FinTech Website Redesign

Leading southeast asia digital payment platform with over 9.6M users and more than 500K merchants worldwide.

Website visit


Boost E-Wallet

FinTech Website Redesign

Leading southeast asia digital payment platform with over 9.6M users and more than 500K merchants worldwide.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Website visit



Improving onboarding journey

Redesigning onboarding experience for a creative and design platform with over 150M users.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Improved onboarding experience



Improving Onboarding Journey

Redesigning onboarding experience for a creative and design platform with over 170M users.

Improved onboarding experience



Improving onboarding journey

Redesigning onboarding experience for a creative and design platform with over 150M users.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Improved onboarding experience


Newcastle Freeman Hospital, UK

Digitalising Patient Information

Revolutionising ways of organising and providing information for heart and lung transplant patients.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Coming Soon


Simulation for Mental Illnesses

Creating Awareness for Schizophrenia

Increased society awareness about mental illnesses, specifically for the Schizophrenia community using immersive technologies (VR/ AR).

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Newcastle Freeman Hospital, UK

Digitalising Patient Information

Revolutionising ways of organising and providing information for heart and lung transplant patients.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Coming Soon


Simulation for Mental Illnesses

Creating awareness for Schizophrenia

Increased society awareness about mental illnesses, specifically for the Schizophrenia community using immersive technologies (VR/ AR).

Premium UX Template for Framer

Coming Soon


Freeman Newcastle Hospital, UK

Digitalising Patient Information

Revolutionising ways of organising and providing information for heart and lung transplant patients.

Retention rate


Simulation for Mental Illnesses

Creating awareness for Schizophrenia

Increased society awareness about mental illnesses, specifically for the Schizophrenia community using immersive technologies (VR/ AR).

Premium UX Template for Framer

Coming Soon


NE1 Bigg Market

Reigniting a Site in Newcastle with Design

Bringing back life to the Bigg Market located at Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK with interaction design.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Coming Soon


NE1 Bigg Market

Reigniting a Site in Newcastle with Design

Bringing back life to the Bigg Market located at Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK with interaction design.

Retention rate


NE1 Bigg Market

Reigniting a Site in Newcastle with Design

Bringing back life to the Bigg Market located at Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK with interaction design.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Coming Soon


Design Thinking Process

In my work, I employ design thinking to drive innovation and problem-solving. I prioritize empathy to understand user needs deeply, ideate creative solutions, and iterate through prototyping to refine designs. Collaboration and iteration are key, allowing me to respond effectively to user feedback and deliver impactful solutions that meet real-world needs.

  • 01


    Brainstorming sessions in order to take their needs and company goals into account. Define the scope and objectives of the project and lays a fundamental foundation for everything that comes after.

  • Define

    Gather additional information about the ideal client, market opportunities and design sprint. Getting direct feedback from users themselves through user surveys and field activities.


  • Develop

    Define the user experience, test and evaluate design concepts, and analyze how your designs will inform behavior and effect the experience of the user.


  • Deliver

    Determine design patterns, elements of template pages, different framework options, and work with developers to test design functionality.


Design Thinking Process

In my work, I employ design thinking to drive innovation and problem-solving. I prioritize empathy to understand user needs deeply, ideate creative solutions, and iterate through prototyping to refine designs. Collaboration and iteration are key, allowing me to respond effectively to user feedback and deliver impactful solutions that meet real-world needs.



Brainstorming sessions in order to take their needs and company goals into account. Define the scope and objectives of the project and lays a fundamental foundation for everything that comes after.


Define the user experience, test and evaluate design concepts, and analyze how your designs will inform behavior and effect the experience of the user.



Gather additional information about the ideal client, market opportunities and design sprint. Getting direct feedback from users themselves through user surveys and field activities.



Determine design patterns, elements of template pages, different framework options, and work with developers to test design functionality.


Design Thinking Process

In my work, I employ design thinking to drive innovation and problem-solving. I prioritize empathy to understand user needs deeply, ideate creative solutions, and iterate through prototyping to refine designs. Collaboration and iteration are key, allowing me to respond effectively to user feedback and deliver impactful solutions that meet real-world needs.

  • 01


    Brainstorming sessions in order to take their needs and company goals into account. Define the scope and objectives of the project and lays a fundamental foundation for everything that comes after.

  • Define

    Gather additional information about the ideal client, market opportunities and design sprint. Getting direct feedback from users themselves through user surveys and field activities.


  • Develop

    Define the user experience, test and evaluate design concepts, and analyze how your designs will inform behavior and effect the experience of the user.


  • Deliver

    Determine design patterns, elements of template pages, different framework options, and work with developers to test design functionality.





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Arizona, United States

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© Copyright 2024 Carine Csq. All rights reserved.

Arizona, United States